
Pro Landscaping Canberra Blog

We are Canberra’s Landscaping Professionals and we also love our community. 

Below is some examples of our landscaping services that will hopefully help to make the best decision when choosing a landscaper for your next job.

Also, we believe in helping the community and spreading the love, so we have added some information about Canberra and it’s people.

landscapers canberra
Retaining Wall in Macquarie, Canberra

Pro Landscaping Canberra service can assist you in various cases such as paving, block walls, natural & synthetic lawn, fencing and in this case retaining walls, excavation. Here’s a beautiful result for a very happy client in Macquarie.

They were initially unsure about how to tackle the big slope in their backyard. We explained the options and as you can see the retaining wall really utilise the area and added value to their home.

All our Canberra landscapers are licensed and insured to make sure that your landscaping is done while following all rules and regulations.

Call today to chat to our friendly staff.

canberra landscapers
Hawker, Canberra Fencing Project

Pro Landscaping Canberra do landscaping in a more efficient way so that the clients get to enjoy their new home asap. 

Above is a picture of a brand new fence in Hawker, Canberra

Bec and John wanted literally a white picket fence but large enough to give them privacy. They were extremely happy with the results and will now finish the rest of the yard in the same fashion.

We are always delighted to see a happy smile when jobs are done and we can do the same for you.

Get in touch today and see how we can help you with fencing or any other type of Landscaping.

landscaping canberra
Artificial Lawn in Scullin, Canberra

Here at Pro Landscaping Canberra, we are lucky enough to be considered one of the best in the Canberra region.
The main thing is that you will get a wide variety of landscaping, from large areas to small ones. Like this little area we did for Anna in Scullin.

We were able to give customised options of different types of Artificial turf and have Anna choose the look and feel that was right for her.

It turned out great and the grand kids now have a nice, clean and safe place to play.

Call today to chat to our friendly staff.

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